Our consultants base comprises of former Epic employees with extensive experience implementing software solutions and driving operational change. We have modernized best practices to help your organization adopt new technologies that improve upon existing infrastructure.
We understand that implementation extends far beyond installing the software and we place high value on training your staff to optimize your performance long into the future. Our rigorous hiring standards filter only those who have demonstrated success on all project levels.
Our stable approach helps organizations navigate the turbulent water of an Epic install without disrupting their current workflows. Combined, our expert consultant base and client first approach allows for a seamless transition.
Our team of Epic knowledgeable consultants will guide you through EHR implementation and optimization projects. Working together, our team leaders bring you up to speed on the latest updates, tailoring the technology to your needs. Our goal is to build a sustainable model by emphasizing training and providing comprehensive knowledge sharing documentation.
Without proper management, projects can easily stray off track. Anchor provides superior project management to maintain focus, follow your timeline and stick to your budget. Our consultants combine Epic methodology with project leadership expertise to help you strategize and execute projects from kickoff through go-live and stabilization. We help you concentrate on the most important tasks and provide around the clock assistance for smooth project execution, start to finish.
Before rolling out a new build, testing is critical. New workflow processes, user interfaces, and third-party interfaces require careful calibration and synchronization. Well-executed and comprehensive testing ensures the software will work optimally for both patients and care-givers throughout your organization. Anchor will check, double-check, and triple-check the project build so that your planning and hard work pays off.
Periodic software upgrades keep your EHR running smoothly, ensuring the best quality service for patients and end-users. Anchor will help guide you through these upgrades ensuring that you take advantage of the latest functionality. We provide expert project management and training resources for testing, build, and support. Maximizing your EHR investment requires committing to optimization and maintenance beyond go-live, Anchor is here to help.
Clear direction and open communication- these qualities characterize Anchor project leadership. Partnering with you, our team at Anchor will bridge the gap between Operations and IT so the entire team is onboard with your project. Experienced leaders, our consultants balance the needs and expectations of both groups for organizational success.